Many ideas are fantastic solutions that no one has ever thought about before. This is innovation!

We have worked on many projects and have new ideas coming down the pipeline that we are still developing.
Some examples? Here they are.

Mechanical device: the technology that slides.

This device was conceived to improve the automation and appeal of sliding gates, reducing their costs and increasing safety.

Patent application and registration for automation: pending.

Patent application and registration for safety: pending.

Office accessory: productive and efficient.

This is a device dedicated to those who are concerned about the well-being of our planet: it can be used to make  working methods more productive and efficient.

Means of transport for passengers and goods: high performance and low-consumption.

This device improves overall performance, reducing effort and minimising consumption.

Tourism accessory: travel in full comfort

This is a convenient, safe, and useful tool for tourists, guides, and tourism buses.

Industrial system: innovating makes energy.

It is a processing plant that, thanks to the application of original methods and technologies, recovers the same amount of energy consumed during the activity.

e molto utile a turisti, guide e pullman turistici.